Monday, March 14, 2011

Tux Update 3-14-11 3 great days..

Well Tux as you know has been really sick, we don’t know why, but he’s not been well.  If you don’t know, read previous postings.
Tux has had several Dr. appointments, having blood drawn for an array of tests for everything of blood disorders, to organ illness, and diabetes.  All thus far have come back negative for anything.  It’s a bitter sweet verdict, because I WANT to know.  What happened to him that turned him from great to unbearable in literally a day.   It’s not to say something had been creeping around him for sometime, maybe I just noticed it on that day.  Whatever it was, I can see him slowly becoming happy again.
Most of the day, he laid around with me on my lap, while I was on the recliner and couch as I read a book about political philosophy.  He then started licking my finger.  Sounds crazy I know, but when early to mid January is when he made the change, I haven’t had any “relationship” at all with him.  So this was a very welcome surprise.  And I didn’t want it to end, because for a few minutes, he was Tux again.  My little buddy.
Tonight we are ending the day with him jumping up on my bed, and licking me on my face…  Just once, but I haven’t seen that in so long.  I just feel him coming back to me and returning to his “old self”.  Yeah, he still wont like anyone else that enters the apartment, but he will be my buddy again.
That is a good life for us, easy for us both.  I’m calling on the Universe to help him continue his progress and get through his distress, whatever it may be.  I hope he gets back to being happy, not only with me, but with himself.
I will continue to give him space while he is making any necessary adjustments, because I don’t know what else to do.  He, and Cats in general are hard, if not impossible to read.
Keep getting better little guy.  Daddy’s on your side no matter what, and I’ll make sure you are fed, you have fresh water, and clean litter, even if you are still mad me.
I love that little guy

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