Monday, March 7, 2011

Still a sick Tux Cat

Many of you know, many do not.  I have a cat.  I have a tuxedo marked cat named Tux.  He’s 7 years old, neutered, and still has his claws. I’ve had him almost all of his life.
I went to look at animals at a pet store one time with my sister.  We went to the animal section and I saw him.  He was outside his cage, sitting on top of another tank looking down.  In that tank were little gerbiles or mice or something running around, and he just wanted to get in there and bat them around I’m sure.  He looked up at me and “meowed” and I knew he was my cat. And I acted on it, getting him.  He has 4 perfectly marked white feet, a little white chin, and some white on his chest and stomach.  His eyes are a great green/yellow color that stand out in contrast to his dark color.
But also, When he was a baby, he almost died, straight out of the shelter.  I got him home, he showed signs of being sick with diarrhea, and then quit eating food.  We made an appointment at the Vet in Lexington, Dr. Mark Dobbs with Regency Animal Hospital.  They are the greatest vet in the city hands down.  They knew immediately that something was wrong.  He was dehydrated, thin, malnourished, and infections.
They kept him overnight and left him on constant I.V. fluids.  They didn’t give him much of a shot to make it.
Well a couple of days later, and a hump on his back of fluids, he was feeling a little better i’m sure, but He was really non-energetic.  It was while I was working as a Police Officer and was gone 10-12 hours a day working.  My mother, bless her heart took care of him, sitting out on the back porch swing with him thinking he wasn’t going to live much longer, and she wanted him to be able to see all the bugs, birds, animals, and the trees.  Not to mention the pleathera of sounds.
He pulled through it.  and became one of the greatest things I’ve ever had.  Sound silly?  Not until you’ve had a pet that gives you unconditional love, and asks nothing in return.  That is what I had, a “buddy”….. “Tux”.   Never did I think pulling “HIM” through his tough time, would mean that he would be returning the favor.  Soon after separating from the Police Department, I went through some hard times alone.  And I mean….. REALLY HARD TIMES.  I had a few really great friends who came to see me regularly, but the one little constant that was always jumping in my lap was Tux.  He would jump up, meow, and run to his toys, or run to his food bowl meowing, and all of a sudden…….  What was “I” just crying about?
Tux needs me again.  Right now, he is as bad as he’s been.  From the 22nd of January, he’s been miserable, unhappy seemingly mostly at me.  I’m stressed around him, he’s stressed around me, and the cycle just never stops.  I’ve tried a new Veterinarian who did a Complete Blood Count on him and didn’t find anything outrageous, however a glucose test for dia,betes couldn’t be done because I didn’t fast him the night before.  I’m rescheduled to recheck that Wednesday.
Right now, Tux is hissing, screaming, spitting, and swatting me if I get anywhere close to him.  The aggression is coming from somewhere, and i DO NOT KNOW WHERE.  I’m desperate to know.  The VET put him on a prozac on Feb 16th, but I’m not convinced yet.  On February 22,23,24,25,26,27,28 – it was like he was his old self again.  On March 1st, Mom brought my nephew over and after my nephew went outside and came in, the hissing started again.  but didn’t hiss anymore that night.  March 2,3rd – no hissing, normal cat.  March 4th, all day fine, then hissing when I got my collection out for spring cleaning.  March 6th, miserable day, hissed all day.  Then today March 7th.  He was fine, slept with me the night before, got up fed him, we laid on the couch and I read books, and watched some TV.  All seemed fine, he was laying on the couch with me.  Then I got up to feed him his night dinner.  And I got a hiss.  Not a terrible screaming hiss, but it happened.  and he hissed a couple times after that, and he was done.  He laid on the floor, then went to the window to look out.
I came in and said a few things to him, and he was okay, he followed me back to the living area where we played with one of his toys until he got tired.  Now I’m in bed, he’s out laying somewhere.  I’m going to keep my distance for now.
I just want to know whats going on with him.  He is always been aggressive toward other people, but he has never been aggressive with me.  Its why I’m so worried about him.
If anyone out there reading knows what to do. Let me know, or tell me how to get in touch with you.  There have been times I just want to open the door and let him go free.  But it would break my heart.  You see, there was a time, that without him, I wouldn’t be here.  I owe him one.

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