Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tux and the Vet visit

Tux, my little buddy that has been having some aggressiveness the last month or two when for the all important follow up blood test today at a Veterinarian here in Frankfort, Kentucky.
He had been fine all day long, until we walked into the Veterinarian’s office and then I hear him start to growl.  He didn’t hiss just yet though, so hope was up.  We walked back to the exam room and when the doctor came in, the fangs came out, and the hissing began.   He remembered both her and the vet tech from the last visit.
They took him back to draw blood, and I guess it wasn’t going so well, because she came back and asked if she could “hit him” with a spit of relaxing gas so she could safely get some blood drawn.  I agreed, thinking that at  worst, he wouldn’t like the blood being taken, but he wouldn’t care under some gas therapy right?
He was brought back, all limp, and laying over the arms of the tech.  I made a huge GASP, thinking they had killed him.   His tongue was hanging out, he was limp, not moving, barely breathing.   He knew I was at a loss of words, so he said, “The gas wasn’t cutting it, so we put him to sleep”.  Whu Whu WHu WHAT?????  I didn’t know this was going to happen, and I would have wanted to be back there with him to at least reassure him I was with him, because I know he had to be scared to death anyway.
He did slowly come out of it and didn’t immediately recognize me until I moved to his face and he could smell and lick me.  He then laid his head back down, and seemed to go back to sleep.  He’s a big 17 lb Sumo-Cat that couldn’t be brought down with an army and some space craft, but here he was, listless unable to even lift his head.
I dont’ think I felt more bad for him.  I felt guilty for bringing him in today, for not being there when he went under, just for not being able to fix whatever ailes him.  But focus, don’t let any tears well up for him yet, wait until she brings back the results of the bloodwork.
A few minutes later she did, and from the thyroid to the kidneys, from liver, to pancreas, all looked normal.  She said medically all she can do is treat him for behavior problems and said to keep him on Prozac.  I posed the question however if he could be in pain.  I mean, hes 17 pounds.  Climbs up and down off of cat trees constantly, or at least USED TO.  I’ve also seen him fall off the refrigerator at least once or twice.
She thought about it, but said he showed no reaction to spinal flexing and manipulating his bones.  But it was a possibility if he was becoming arthritic.  So she gave me a trial of Metacam which is a type of NSAID pain reliever for cats.  So I have 5 days of that to give and we will see if that and / or prozac make strides in his bizarre behavior.
If anyone has an perfect cat that has only recently like in the last few months become overly-aggressive with you, let me know how / what you’re story is.  I need to know others are out there.

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