Thursday, February 10, 2011

IBlacklist = Get the cracked version instead

Because if you don’t, try changing devices and see how much idevmobile helps you out then?  Have you ever bought a drink, and then paid to have it poured in another glass?  No?  So why would you pay for your iblacklist to be moved to another device?
So the jailbreak app, IBlacklist, which is an app for the Apple Iphone, used to filter and block user selected phone numbers, and / or SMS, messages, has for the first time since January 2010.  I wish I had gotten MCleaner instead.  Here’s why.
On January 21st, 2010 I purchased the jailbreak app from idevmobile for a stiff $12.00.  It was for an Apple Iphone 3Gs.  The software was what I wanted though, and I wasn’t going to screw the developer and get a cracked version, despite the high price.
This year, I attempted to transfer the app to the Apple Iphone 4, and thats where my support of this developer ended.
Upon installing the software from Cydia, I found that the registration number assigned to this copy of the software was different.  I wasn’t surprised, but took some time to try and get my old registration number entered.  It’s not that easy.  The population field for the registration number is locked out from editing, I will have to re-register, potentially another $12.00.
I sent an email to the and explained that I had previously PURCHASED their software, just a year ago, and wanted it transferred to my new phone.  The response was less than satisfactory.
Hi Joshua  We have a license transfer program to new devices.
Please access the following link:
It´s required to inform your previous device register key, and also your new device register key.
If you don´t have your old device register key, i can inform that to you.
After completing the transfer payment, you can simply open iBlacklist, press Register and then press Download to reactivate the app on your new device.
If you have any further question related to device licensing, please contact

iBlacklist Team

Heading to the link they sent, I got a basic paypal site, where I would have to pay yet another $6.00 to register a new key.  This is where I draw the line in the sand.  Charge $12 bucks for software, is high, but I support business.  Developers finding a way to extort me out of money, I’ll do whatever I can to spread the word and lose as much of your business as I can.
I haven’t gotten MCleaner as of the writing of this post, but it’s on my list of new apps to get.  I hope you read this and it makes you at least think twice about your business and loyalty to idevmobile

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